
About Us Programme Competition Gallery Contact Us


Welcome to the web site of 'Snappers'. We are self help group of photographers.

We welcome everyone - all ages, levels of experience and with no limits in terms of catchment area.

We don't claim to be experts, but we enjoy trying and learning together. We have been pleased to welcome several new members recently and numbers at meetings average around 26 these days.


Our Meetings

We meet at 1.30pm on the first Friday afternoon of each month. You are welcome to arrive a little earlier if you would like to have a chat with the leader of our group.

Our next monthly meeting takes place on Friday 2nd August. We will be critiquing all the images members bring from the club trip to Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, near Sheffield. This was very successful and partners were also able to come along. We were fortunate that the blacksmith was there for a couple of hours and everyone enjoyed the visit and the cafe. We will also be looking at any further images from the 'Fun in the Sun' challenge, or images from members who were unable to bring them on the scheduled week. Please will anyone bringing prints also bring a stick with the images on it so that we can collect them for the gallery on this site.

Before the next meeting at Beckingham, members will be going to Doddington Hall on Friday 26th July to photograph exhibits in the Sculpture Exhibition along with the Hall and Gardens. This should produce a lot of shots, so we will be critiquing those during our meeting in the Beckingham in September.

Our venue for hall-based meetings is: Beckingham Village Hall, Southfield Lane, Beckingham, Doncaster, DN10 4QA

Please check the web site before attending in case of last minute changes. They will be posted here if at all possible.

Photography Challenge Topic

The current challenge is 'Fun in the Sun'. Thankfully we finally have some sun to help us with that. Those images which were not seen in July will be looked at during the August meeting.

If you are bringing digital images to show at any time, please create one separate folder on your stick marked with the month they will be shown. If you are including two sets, please make a labelled sub folder for each set (not for each image) and save your images to the relevant one. Please include your own name in the title of each image to ensure you get the credit for any that are used in publicity. If you can find a way to mark your name on your stick, it would speed the loading process at the start. Thank you.

If anyone has any ideas for challenges or subjects for our afternoon meetings, please let John know or bring your suggestions to the meeting.

Site last updated 23/07/24